animal testing is a crime

a cruel and outdated method that unnecessarily tortures and kills countless animals every single year. One Green Plant, 13 May 2014. 15 Animal testing is cruel and needs to stop, because it has far too many damaging consequences for animals, humans and the environment. 25 Mar. Penal Code 597 PC is the main California law that defines the crime of animal abuse. NEAVS, n.d. 2016. The animal waste is contaminated with toxic or hazardous chemicals, viruses, and infectious diseases. Testing on humans could also result in more cures to diseases faster, because, as Greer states “relying on animal experimentation in some cases impedes and delays discovery of drugs and procedures that may be beneficial to humans because they fail in animal testing.” If there are other more accurate alternative methods to testing on animals, why are we still testing on animals? However, animals such as rats, mice, fish and birds are not protected by the AWA. ... Yet many opponents passionately argue that animal testing is wrong, unnecessary, and cruel. “Animal Testing vs. 2016″Animal Testing Definition.” Web. Conversational Presenting. Cruelty to animals is now a federal crime under a new law signed by President Trump on Monday. It stated,... ...and killed in labs right now because Animal testing is legal. 2013. I suggest that governments fully ban animal testing, so that the world becomes a better and safer place for both animals and humans. In 31 states, class B dealers can also take animals from animal shelters and sell them to laboratories for research. Most of the time, class B dealers get their animals from respectable places, but class B dealers can collect stray animals from the streets. A second notable event in the history of animal testing was when John H. Draize created the Draize Test, which is used on the skin and eyes of animals, such as rabbits, to test the effects of a product. (HSI) Facts … While animal abuse is never O.K., according to criminal defense attorneys it isn’t always a crime and -even when it is – not all animals are protected (especially in laboratory testing). There are four topics that are going to be discussed about animal testing, these topics are some of the main issues but are not all-inclusive. Although the U.S. leads the world on innovative research and methods, many companies here still use the outdated, barbaric practice of animal testing, which can result in the burning, crippling, and poisoning of animals. ************** For example, if we all boycotted products that use animal testing in favor of cruelty-free ones, the companies who still use animal testing would lose profits and their stocks would go down. Absolutely Horrific! 14 Mar. Every year millions of animals are subjected to horrible unethical experimentations in order to advance medical science. It takes nearly a decade to undergo all the tests necessary to register a single pesticide. Right now, 14 states have passed laws making it illegal for animals in shelters to be sold for research. In certain instances, animals can also serve as witnesses to crimes. In some cases this is true. Where do the animals come from that they do these terrible things? If scientists were to use a milder dose of the product or give a pain reliever during the procedure, this would reduce the pain and stress an animal endures during the procedure and could produce better, more accurate results. Web. Animal abuse is one of four significant predictors of who is likely to become a batterer. In the 1880’s, Louis Pasteur conducted one of the most unpleasant series of animal experiments in the history of the fight against infectious disease. India has become the first Asian country to ban cosmetics and made non-animal alternative tests mandatory. ACCO expert Nina Jackel is a global activist exposing cruel and illegal animal activities through undercover operations, investigative reports and online campaigns. Experimentation on animals goes way back since the beginning of time. One alternative to animal testing is collecting human cells and studying the effects of medications and products on those cells in a petri dish. Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, animal research and in vivo testing, is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study.This approach can be contrasted with field studies in which animals are observed in their natural environments or habitats. Greer, Abigail. If in certain situations, there is no clear alternative to animal testing, a solution could be to modify a procedure to reduce the pain an animal feels. Peta, n.d. This method is better than using animals because artificial skin has the same DNA structure that would be present if an actual human were to test the product. Another product testing method involves the use of artificial skin. Animal testing sometime is not reliable and is extremely expensive. “A History of How Scientist Used Animal Testing to Make Medical Advances.” Brighthub. The PACT (Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture) Act: Signed into law in 2019, the PACT Act makes some of the most egregious forms of animal cruelty — specifically crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating, impaling or sexual exploitation — in or affecting interstate commerce or within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States a federal crime. Animals have to suffer and risk their lives for the name of science, by private institutions, household product and cosmetics companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and scientific centers. LD-50 is used to determine the maximum dosage of a substance that would kill half the animals in a testing group. In most cases, the discussion tends to focus on whether it is morally permissible to test various products and procedures on animals in order to determine whether they would be safe and beneficial for human use. It is illegal in all 50 states for stolen animals to be sold or used in research. Web. No matter how awful the idea of animal testing may seem, the bottom line is that it has saved millions of lives. Prezi. ECPI University The Animal Welfare Act should be modified so that it protects all of the animals used for scientific research. The Pros And Cons Of Animal Cruelty. The Animal Welfare Act, or AWA, is a federal law that addresses the standard of care animals receive at research facilities. Humane Society, 13 Mar. 101cats/Getty Images. So results from animal experiments can't be applied accurately to humans. However, these animals actually have a different anatomic, metabolic, and cellular structure from humans, which makes them bad test subjects for human products: “It’s very hard to create an animal model that even equates closely to what we are trying to achieve in the human” (“Should Animals Be Used”). Some states are tough on this crime, while others still have general—and relatively lax—anti-cruelty statutes. 15 People don’t want rats in … A Puppy Carcass According to Emma Lloyd, “The first observations of significance to modern science were made in the 1600s, when William Harvey used animals to observe and describe the blood circulatory system” (2008). Stem Cell Research: Battle of the Controversies”. 2016. They are often abused by their captors, starved and imprisoned in small, rotten cages. Every year, millions of animals undergo painful torture, suffering, or death. Almost 40 percent had committed violent crimes against people. Another example is the LD-50 (Lethal Dose-50) test, which was created in the mid 1900s. Web. reserved. If the animal is protesting then surely there is something wrong going on! 2016. And will save more lives, while allowing animals to be pets rather than science experiments.” (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). Web. Also, if the number of animals used in the experiment is reduced, the number of animals harmed during experimentation would also be reduced. Does this sound like a safe way to test products? Animal testing has been around for many years and has served a variety of purposes. Web. This could force many companies to try and find alternatives, putting us one step closer to making animal testing a thing of the past. Other types of experiments include drug injection into sheep, cattle and other livestock to see if... ...year in the United States, an estimated 70 million animals are maimed, blinded, scalded, force-fed chemicals, genetically manipulated, and otherwise hurt and killed. Animal testing has been around for many years and has served a variety of purposes. These topics include the treatment they use for animals, the chemicals and negative effects of these chemicals, psychological and emotional effects due to the abuses that the animals go through, and lastly the evidence that it is inhumane and unnecessary that for labs to test on the animals. Bright Hub, 23 Nov. 2008. When companies incinerate animals and supplies, the process emits gases and fine particulate matter into the air. Since the new administration took over, Rep. Titus has been in … Many of these severe tests predict from the start that an animal will die. Today, animal cruelty convictions are classified as either a felony or misdemeanor. This method of testing is not only good for humans, but animals too: “Animals are kept away from the lab and scientist have a much simpler way of screening for drugs and analyzing which ones are safer for human use. Even though dogfighting is a felony crime in all 50 U.S. states, it is easily found on Facebook. On top of the deprivation, there are the experiments. Well Treated Animals Give Better Test Results. Together we can end animal testing for good. Animal testing should remain legal for medical research. It is for this criticism that many medical practices and laboratories have changed the ways the experiment. The European Union was one of the first to ban the import and sale of animal-tested cosmetics. In order for the results of research to be accurate it … Millions of animals are forced to endure medical experiments that no creature should have to be exposed to, and any of the animals that manage to survive the tests are immediately put death afterwards. MYSTERY WIRE — New efforts are underway to reduce animal abuse and experimentation across the nation, to prosecute those who are arrested and charged, and to end animal testing by companies and government agencies.. One of those lawmakers taking the lead on animal welfare issues is U.S. Rep. Dina Titus from Nevada. With 100 million or more animals harmed every year due to animal testing, change is needed. Lab Bulletin, 11 Jul. 2016. Due to all of the procedure that the animals have to go through only about half of them remain alive. For Business. But state laws on the mistreatment of dogs, cats, and other animals vary a great deal. Dogs, cats, monkeys, mice, and other animals are kept in dark rooms in cages while being exposed to various toxic and poisonous substances daily in order to test how the substance may react in humans.

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