animals in circuses pros and cons

Facts about Circus Animals 2: the transportation of the exotic animals. Circus animals are forced to live in a cage, travel extensively and exist in an unnatural environment. © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The circus is a 250-year-old art form that Britain gave to the world. Moreover the facilities in the circus are usually inferior to those in modern zoos or animal parks where at least animals have more space. Circus animals such as tigers and elephants are on the endangered species list. Pros/Cons; Zoo/Circus; Sanctuary/Safari; Solution; Endnotes; Blog; Behind the Scenes: Zoos and Circuses. Argumentative essay ( introduction) Group members: 1. Two opinions. Pros And Cons Of Using Animals In Circus; Pros And Cons Of Using Animals In Circus. They could view the exotic animals transported from other countries in 18th century. Opponents argue that animal circus acts are demeaning to animals and do not teach children how to appreciate and respect wild animals. Although bull fighting is extremely cruel, banning bull fighting would affect the bull fighting cultural tradition. There are no pros just cons for the U.S to allow animals to be used in circuses. Some cultural traditions are founded upon animal exploitation for entertainment purposes. When on tour, circus animals such as camels will spend their time in animal tents, in fenced off areas to graze, or tethered to graze. Siti Ferhana binti Albidu (57884) 4. Circus animals age and eventually outgrow their usefulness. You learn that they are intelligent and have individual personalities. 783 Words 4 Pages. Global awareness of animal rights and wildlife conservation efforts are changing the sentimental feelings the circus once provoked. Animal abuse in circuses: pros and cons. For them, it is time to rethink. There are many points of view regarding the possible solution: from simply improving the quality of living conditions for animal performers to completely eliminating animals from circuses. Exotic Animals in Entertainment: the Pros and Cons Essay Sample The entertainment industry is a controversial subject, especially pertaining to the use of exotic animals for human enjoyment. Without question, a wild animal ban would threaten the existence of many circuses. Advantages & disadvantages of demonstrations→, Difference Between Highland Cattle & Yak→. Many animals used in circuses are bred in captivity and will spend their entire lives in close contact … Circuses must report all endangered species deaths to the U.S. person John.Paul M. date_range 17/07/2017; comment 12 Comments on 4 Red discussing pros and cons of using circus animals; Today in 4Red we have been learning about animals within the circus. In fact, similar to circuses, animals are often treated quite poorly in zoos and have to comply with the rules of zookeepers. The 1950s and 60s have been described as the “heyday of the British Circus”, with famous names including Chipperfields, Robert Bros and the Blackpool Tower Circus parading their menageries of animals to the paying public. In many zoos, there are also some animal shows and it may be indeed questionable whether treating animals in these ways can be justifiable. The purpose of this research paper is to explore the history of exotic animals in entertainment and how the industry is viewed by the general public in the twenty-first century. Carson and Barnes Circus supports its own herd of retired elephants in Oklahoma. Fish and Wildlife Service: Federal Fish and Wildlife Permit Application Form, Animal Abuse Gone Wild: Peta Factsheet; Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, International Debate Education Association: Animals in Sports and Entertainment; Thomas Dixon; June 30, 2000, The Telegraph: China Bans Animal Circuses, The Wall Street Journal: Banished by Bolivia; Circus Animals Find a Home On Colorado Range, The Stage News: Government to Announce Policy on Wild Animal in Circuses. Pros And Cons Of Animals In Entertainment 995 Words | 4 Pages. Bull fighting practices are legal in Spain, Mexico and parts of France. As of 2011, the British government also is working a policy pertaining to wild animals in circuses. Restricting animal use in a circus show could be viewed as an infringement on an individual’s right to enjoy animal acts. If an animal is found in the wild wounded and unable to return to its original environment, a circus can humanely take care of and display them to the benefit of the animal and the education of the public. The circus is a cultural tradition in the United States and throughout the world. Finding suitable homes for former circus animals is difficult. Proponents of using animals for entertainment argue that condemning animal related events shows a lack of sensitivity toward cultural traditions. Whether you’re studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. Animals in circuses are still deprived of their basic needs to exercise, roam, socialize, forage, and play. The topic, you see, was the future of wild animals in circuses. The Knie circus has pitched its tents in Freiburg - and promptly there Zoff: Animal rights activists accuse: lions and elephants do not belong in the ring, they say. The equestrian acts were considered as the first true animal performance in the circus. It is illegal to euthanize endangered species for no reason. They have to eat, sleep and even go to the toilet in their small cages for the rest of their time. Children viewing circus animals will learn nothing. Retired animals must be placed in a zoo, sanctuary or with an individual trained to care for wild animals. Generations of people have brought their children to see wild circus animals. 4 - Animals are living on land that stretches for between 30 to 2,000 acres. Yeoh Zhi Cynn (62962) 2. It is amazing to see all the tricks that the circus trainers can get the animals to do. People paid their hard-earned coins to hawkers who promised a moment’s entertainment. Vision Launch: Pros and Cons of Animals in Captivity, Time: The Last Act of the Greatest Show on Earth. May your human handlers and associates learn to understand and respect you better, and may the conditions under which you live improve. Circuses create unnatural captive environments for animals that are then made to perform strange acts contrary to their own volition. We always create trouble … Many animals, such as whales and elephants, depend on their family members for moral support and social needs. Circus Animal Facts. The Issue. It was once a wonder and an astonishing event that pulled people from around the country to experience together. Circuses train wild animals to perform unnatural acts for human amusement. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. While the circus created jobs for singers, dancers, entertainers, clowns and misfits who could levy their socially awkward physical appearance for a livelihood, it presented a challenge for the animals. Circus animals have the right to be protected and treated humanely under the Animal Welfare Act. At its peak, Billy Smart’s circus toured with 200 animals, including While the rules have changed and large animals are no longer used in circuses, many animals continue to be presented to further the education of circus attendees. There are several downfalls for animals living in captive environments. When an elephant dies or goes missing the other elephants mourn their death. 4 Red discussing pros and cons of using circus animals. Another focus of cons in entertainment is circuses. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Unfortunately, the problem of animal abuse in circuses has received the public’s attention just recently due to numerous lawsuits. Uh-oh. A solution would be to ban the circus's that treat their animals badly, but not all. Over prolonged periods this can result in abnormal behaviours and health problems related to anxiety. Animals cannot survive out of their natural habitat for a long time. Put you on place of animals and feel their pain and suffering. according to nature. There are pros and cons for animals in captivity. They needed some respite from their harsh reality, and the circus was a perfect fit. Some circus groups are intent on preserving the specific animal species they present to the public. Whitehall had just decided not to ban them. The wild animals commonly abused in circuses are extremely stressed by circus conditions. She graduated with a B.A. The performance of animals should be totally banned in circus because in circus animals are not treated in a good manner. 4 -Animals are able to keep their all of their natural instincts intact. Sometimes these animals lash out, injuring and killing trainers, caretakers, and members of the public. Retired animals must be placed in a zoo, sanctuary or with an individual trained to care for wild animals. They were often overworked, beaten into submission and left to less-than-average food supplies on an irregular schedule. Circus demands for wild animals increase the numbers of animals removed from wild. Therefore, using animals in these acts should be illegal in the United States. Proponents view circus animals as an opportunity for children to view and appreciate animals. Her full bio and clips can be seen at Circus animals such as tigers and elephants are on the endangered species list. Pros: -Allow for a permanent home for animals, but instead of an enclosure, they are able to roam around. The animals in these cuscuses are often abused, dangerous, and not needed. Pros And Cons Of Zoos 923 Words | 4 Pages. Animal welfare lobbyists have campaigned for … Pros & Cons: Those wild animals in the circus? Is it really that simple? Fish and Wildlife Service. at birth or rejection of their young. The purpose of this research paper is to explore the history of exotic animals in entertainment and how the industry is viewed by the general public in the twenty-first century. In addition, zoos study their animals to provide a suitable environment. singers, dancers, entertainers, clowns and misfits who could levy their socially awkward physical appearance for a livelihood, In May of 2017, the last elephant made treads under the legendary big top of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus due to public demand that the giant animals be retired from such grueling work in the sawdust-laden three rings of the 146-year-old circus. Should a circus choose to add big cats or other larger wild animals to their performance they would be confined to 'beast wagons' or chained within trucks. Compare what a child will learn watching a tiger prance around a dusty arena with a trainer shouting commands at it, to a documentary following a tiger raising her cubs in African reserve. Always a draw for families, the circus has put the power of the human body over the parade of animals that once made it famous. Circus animals only spend a few hours a day out of their cages. Children have put together videos of reasons why animals should be included within the circus world as well as arguing their views for why animals … Tigers naturally fear fire, but they are still forced to jump through fire hoops in some circuses.In more than 35 dangerous incidents since 2000, elephants have bolted from circuses, run amok through streets, crashed into buildings, attacked members of the public, and killed and injured handlers. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. We need animals in the circus as they are so much fun and they entertain you so much more than what a circus with no animals would. These animals … Opponents argue that animal circus acts are demeaning to animals and do not teach children how to appreciate and respect wild animals. The loud noise of the music, the cheers of the crowd and the dizzying lights all disorientate and cause stress to wild animals. More often than not, these animals show signs of Animals in circuses, in particular the rarest or biggest ones, have a very solitary lives. They cannot speak and express their feelings but we have brain. Animal rights activists object to the overwhelming number of animals that have died due to abusive treatment and lack of veterinary care in circuses. It was started in London by horse … Circus animals age and eventually outgrow their usefulness. Proponents claim that there is evidence that animals enjoy performing and that they form bond with trainers. Signs of their mental anguish include a plethora of stereotypical behaviors, such as swaying, pacing, bar-biting, and self-mutilating. Jodi earned an Associate of Arts in social and behavioral sciences from Merritt College and a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from San Francisco State University. Mandy Arwani Jee (61360) 5. Shorter life expectancy of animals in zoos. This can be very stressful for them. To all the animals in circuses and zoos. It was very popular in North America to see the menagerie entertainment. Exotic Animals in Entertainment: The Pros and Cons Abstract The entertainment industry is a controversial subject, especially pertaining to the use of exotic animals for human enjoyment. Training techniques involve using whips and other devices to force animals to act. See disclaimer. Report Post. China has banned animal circuses and Bolivia has banned live animals from travelling circuses. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. Circuses Circuses and other animal entertainments The animal rights answer. Efforts need to be made to encourage circus owners to breed animals to maintain captive animal populations and reduce the number of wild animals removed from their natural environments. There's a good reason as to why the animals have taken a backseat, so to speak, to the talented clowns, trapeze artists and physical feats of the trained performers who now occupy the most successful circuses that continue to entertain and inspire crowds around the world. Attending a circus event is a rite of passage for many youngsters. Many people thoroughly enjoy looking at animals for a sense of entertainment, and from the outside looking in, not many see any problems with doing such. Circus animals bred into captivity increase the species’ odds of survival. Imagine if aliens take us and make us perform. Though contemporary circuses … Zoos are entertainment, and while they contribute to conservation. By being featured in a circus, an animal’s plight or endangered position can be discussed and funds raised. Restricting animal use in a circus show could be viewed as an infringement on an individual’s right to enjoy animal acts. Whips, rods, hooks and even electric prods are used in … Some cultural traditions are founded upon animal exploitation for entertainment purposes. The animals are kept in small cages and travel all over the place for performances. Ironically, the circus doesn’t care about its main attractions; the sooner people realize this, the better. The Zoo is a place where many kinds of wild animals are kept and purpose of the zoo is that collection, study, and display the animals to the public. Banning circuses from using animals would decrease the number of species in captivity and increase the chance of extinction. Azizah binti Abbas (55559) 3. Investigate . Circus animals are transported from location to location in cramped conditions. 4 May your lives be long and happy. Kimberley McGee is an award-winning journalist with 20+ years of experience writing about education, jobs, business and more for The New York Times, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Today’s Parent and other publications. – Serj Tankian, “Circus Tiger” However, because the circus uses violence to subdue the inside of animals, these wild animals are deprived of the most basic life rights such as freedom to live, feed, socialize, play, etc. This made sense to early entertainment entrepreneurs who saw a future in large establishments that could cater to the industrial revolution’s penny-pinching lower class. Once upon a time, a circus was a place where the most astonishing events, animals and entertainers could be seen by people who spent most of their time working to survive. Sometimes an animal gets wounded or might not be able to survive the harsh conditions in the wild during certain seasons. Lee Xin Jie (61226) Circuses are the best known place of entertainment for children all around the world. Photo courtesy of Getty Images 10. Facts about Circus Animals 3: the equestrian acts . PROS Circus animals teach people about what animals are capable of. However, some circuses won’t allow their animals to breed. Banning circuses from using animals would decrease the number of species in captivity and increase the chance of extinction. What you don't know about your entertainment. Differing viewpoints regarding what constitutes animal abuse compounds this issue. It gives certain species a better chance of survival. I agree that some circus's may treat their animals badly, but most do not, so why ban all circus's with animals when only a few circus's do the wrong thing. The use of animals to entertain human beings is wrong because: it treats the animal as a … The animals are subject to do tricks for the audience’s entertainment. Start-Up Grants for Non-Profit Animal Rescue, Adaptations of the Dawn Bat in the Rain Forest, Self Help Group for Farmers, Pet Owners and Others Experiencing Difficulties with the RSPCA: Animals in Circuses and Zoos; Chapter 8; Dr. Marthe Kiley-Worthington; 1990, U.S. Jodi Strehlow has been a freelance writer since 1992 and has experience writing employee how-to handbooks. The dull days of farming, working in sweaty factories or other menial jobs could be punctuated with a sense of wonder that the annual circus could bring to a city or sleepy town. in Journalism from UNLV. They were handcuffed and became the money tree of the Tuli merchants. Circuses train wild animals to perform unnatural acts for human amusement. They tend to use the funds from ticket sales to further preservation of animals in the world. List of Pros of Animals in Captivity 1.

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