the vegan society definition of veganism

Jordi Casamitjana is an independent vegan zoologist, animal protectionist and author. For the purpose of this post, I want to focus on the section I’ve bolded above. Hi, great read, thankyou. (from the vegan society) But what do you see as a common thread in these examples? Vegans, a term coined by its founder Donald Watson, are the people who avoid eating products derived from animal origin. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals. A great deal - you'll soon find a whole new world of exciting foods and flavours opening up to you. Again a choice. ), ethical veganism may now become the intelligent answer we need to save the planet and its inhabitants. It’s not nice to do bad things, period! Join our newsletter to receive monthly competitions, offers and information on all things vegan. The Vegan Society defines veganism as “a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals”. Vegans live with a version of the world that is not shared by a majority of society. But Plants Have Feelings Too, Don’t They? Hi Rhea, thank you for picking up the typos, and for sharing your experiences! As I write in my book, it is “A 21st-century revolution that started more than 20 centuries ago”. It was my inner self shouting at me not to “take” from animals so I listened. But the reason why I ask this question is less about the definition of an animal, and more about whether we think humans are animals. We talk about equality. Maybe this would be the most ethical way, but maybe not, let’s say for example one part of your diet that is important for your health is something that is pollinated by bees, there might be a replacement that isn’t pollinated by bees but maybe it doesn’t grow where you live so it has to be transported a big distance to get to you which of course is less energy efficient. In this interview, Roger speaks to me about the following topics: the history of the Vegan Society's definition of veganism how the animal advocacy movement has changed since Roger became a vegan in 1979 Equality for a segment of our population that’s only relevant to the pain-points of your specific situation? The term vegan was coined by Elsie Shrigley, founder of The Vegan Society in the 1940s. Developments of higher levels of organisation we know as ‘societies’, in which individuals avoid harming each other as they all have many genes in common. A vegan diet is There is a type of hive called a top-bar hive which is a long, rectangular or cylindrical hive. Either you’re committed to it, or you’re not vegan. I’m increasingly passionate about this definition because I believe veganism has some serious weight behind it. Is that too much to expect from humans? I hope after reading this, you can find the courage, vulnerability and humility to put every animal on a level playing field. )—not primarily for their health, but for the animals, the environment or social justice—are known as ‘ethical vegans’. So this mentality in itself is exploitative. Thank you Dominic for explaining about bees a little bit. Apart from the bee and honey stuff I agree with everything! However, whether or not bees produce an excessive amount of honey, the intended use of their honey is for the insulation of their hive and to feed themselves and their families (please correct me if I’m wrong). The Vegan Society is a registered charity and the oldest vegan society in the world, founded in the United Kingdom in November 1944 by Donald Watson and his wife, Dorothy, along with four friends—Elsie Shrigley, Mr G. A. Henderson and his wife Fay K. Henderson were among them. An individual who follows the diet or philosophy is known as a vegan. But understandably Donald wasn’t a fan of the submissions and ended up taking the first three letters and last two letters of vegetarian and coining the term vegan. Moreover, those who follow The Vegan Society’s full definition, to encompass lifestyle alternatives (such as clothes, entertainment, household products, cosmetics, hobbies, etc. The main difference between the Vegan Society’s definition and mine is they view veganism as a philosophy bundled with a set of beliefs. But it’s something worth pondering nevertheless. No: 01468880, Win chef Skye Conroy's Crafting Seitan cookbook, Scientific evidence supporting our campaign, Share your experience of plant milk discrimination, Help us change these discriminatory initiatives, What Every Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12. For those of us amateur vegans, we might not be able to sacrifice the relationships with the few family members and friends we have. We recently published Parts 1 & 2 of a three-part series for our new wellbeing research programme. Sorry, I forgot you can’t have that!”. It is no different that human slavery. As far as we know, this word was already in use in the ancient kingdom of Magadha, in Northern India, around three millennia ago. See you on the inside . But you wouldn’t be vegan because you are choosing to needlessly exploit animals. It comes from the Sanskrit root hiṃs, which means ‘to strike’. It is for these reasons that the survival of the hive is more important than survival of individuals. I have been trying to make vegans understand on social media for some years now that we need to take an interest in production, the production of what we eat, because even so-called ‘organic vegan lettuce’ is probably grown using non-organic steer/chicken/horse manure/remains. But I’m about to take this post in perhaps a different direction than what you expected—because buried in this definition of veganism we can derive even more meaning. The first time we find it clearly expressed is with the term ahimsa. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. These societies opened the concept of ’doing no harm’ to many more people, making it accessible to anyone from any race, culture, class or faith. From Vegetarian To Vegan. 10 talking about this. Or equality for all living animals, human or non-human? No, when I say I’m vegan, I’m seeking to exclude all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. When it comes to ethics, I like to keep things simple. I had an interaction recently when ordering food at a cafe where the assistant had to clarify whether I don’t want eggs or honey, despite me saying I’m vegan. "The word 'veganism' denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practicable — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the … ), and … At least this hasn’t been the case for us. The definition Watson gave "veganism" (in his widely distributed newsletter, before the UK Vegan Society was founded) was a type of vegetarian diet that excludes eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. But especially social species like ours. It’s about the confusion it creates to others about what it means to be vegan. To give an overview of what my life entails as a vegan, I will start with a little history of how I became a vegan. So when I say I’m vegan, it’s way beyond eating plant-based, with the occasional organic honey or backyard egg. If humans are animals, then the definition of veganism extends to humans. I 100% agree that honeybees are critical for everyone’s survival and if it weren’t for beekeepers, we’d all be in serious trouble. One is intention. And Simon, you’re spot on, there’s never going to be a 100% ethical solution for anything—as it seems like we’re always going to exploit an animal indirectly. Founded in 1944, The Vegan Society is a registered educational charity that provides information and guidance on various aspects of veganism. Definition veganism vegan society. My working definition of veganism adds two considerations to the Vegan Society’s “practicable” definition. ), and all other foods of animal origin. The definition of VEGANISM according to the ‘Vegan Society’. Nice article. The south african vegan society is a volunteer organisation focusing on public outreach distribution of resources product endorsement as well as providing support for those who choose the vegan lifestyle. As early as 500 BCE, Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras promoted benevolence among all species and followed what could be described as a vegetarian diet. And it’s okay not to be a vegan—I mean, I’d prefer you to be vegan, but again, it’s a choice. The poor girl was genuinely confused—as she’s served people that claim to be vegan and then proceed order animal products. Is over worded certain … First off the vegan society definition of veganism and the "as far as is possible and practical" issue. Honeybees are true social insects, meaning that no single honeybee or any honeybee caste can survive without the other castes. At the time, he individually wrote and edited a vegetarian news publication. I think you make some really valid points concerning the definition of veganism. It’s not to put people down. Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. This is just one of many examples where the message of veganism is being watered down. I know the feeling of not wanting to deal with those common questions, but I’ve learned to see those situations as an opportunity to share a different perspective on how we consume food. There’s a different level of conviction in how they operate. I know this to be true because I see it in vegans who understand what it means to be vegan. I think the “possible and practicable” part of the definition is important. Nowadays, the term vegan encapsulates several variations around animal exploitation and the consumption of animal-based products (food, fashion, etc.) Veganism is a philosophy ingrained in the idea of compassion towards animals. That necessarily means not consuming any meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, honey, gelatine etc. Hi Judy, apologies for the delay in getting back to you! I know from speaking to other vegans, both with and without mental health problems, that I am not alone with this. That’s what it means to be vegan. Yet, there are those who only follow the diet aspect of veganism, by having a plant-based diet without animal products. Have you considered some alternatives to honey such as maple syrup and agave nectar? Then act on it. As a reference, it might be worth reading Simon’s comment above about how he positions himself to others? “Vegan definition : vegans are people who abstain from consuming animal products for health or ethical reasons. Just because we can technically do something doesn’t mean we should. You have far more domain knowledge and experience than me when it comes to the ecosystem of hives and bees. The most common type of honeybee raised by humans, the Italian honeybee, has been selectively bred to produce much more honey than they need for winter in most climates. Her definition of veganism is based on these interactions, which gives her the wrong perception of what it means to commit to the practice of compassion. So I understand that honeybees can be exploited, but what about the role they play in pollination for food production? Although the vegan diet was defined early on in The Vegan Society's beginnings in 1944, it was as late as 1949 before Leslie J Cross pointed out that the society lacked a definition of veganism. From 1948 The Vegan's front page read: "Advocating living without exploitation", and in 1951 the Society published its definition of veganism as "the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals”. Veganism is not simply a definition of a diet, but a way of living. He suggested [t]he principle of the emancipation of … Some people tut and walk away!….only happened once lol but some people won’t accept what needs to change in their own lives or for the planet….so I usually keep quiet about being vegan. Ah and if I tell someone that I’m vegan I often add “but I eat honey” (even though I very rarely do) it just seems more honest that way. Same-sex marriage is not legal in many parts of the world. It’s always, “can you have this? (this is just hypothetical I don’t have an example, I just wanted to make the point that sometimes there is no 100% ethical solution at least not at the moment, actually leather shoes is a good example, since I stopped wearing leather shoes my plastic shoes don’t even last a year… whereas the leather shoes lasted a few years and if I had taken better care even longer). We should then be focused on the well-being of hives rather than individuals. Animals want to dominate other animals. Civil war breaks out over centuries due to a conflict of religious beliefs resulting in billions of deaths. In 1944, The Vegan Society was formed by Donald Watson. Thank you for your time to read my comment. Excess heat and moisture is vented upward out of the hive. What would a world look like if we didn’t think we were superior to another culture, race, sex, country or animal? There’s no hesitation to explain why they make the choices that they make—as they know it’s not about them. Charity No: 279228 Company Reg. This really matters to me. And that’s not okay—because it means so much more than that. Honey is used by the bees as a food source in the winter, but not insulation. I also see honeybees as somewhat different from other animals, and let me explain why. In other parts of the world the same idea was becoming important in societies such as the Pythagoreans (and later the Epicureans) in ancient Greece who also abstained from ‘meat’, or the Taoist in the Far East—with their Ying and Yang concepts—who believe in the harmony of all things. Actually, for about two weeks I was vegan. Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose "as far as is possible and practicable" is extremely vague. Ones desire to rule over the other. Definition of Veganism My Vegan Journey at a glance… When I started my journey of a plant based diet, there were and still are many questions people have for me. Then there’s a bunch of people promoting plant-based as this all-encompassing lifestyle that can transform your health. Initially, we often find it associated with religious communities, such as those mentioned above, in the form of advocating for abstinence of flesh. In fact I have as many questions Dominic. His latest book Ethical Vegan was published by September Publishing. For me veganism, or rather my reasons for being vegan, are just another worry to add to my infinite list. Superiority. You’ll get a neat summary of our content each week, as well as some behind the scenes of what’s happening! It involves, amongst other practices, the adoption of a diet free from meat, dairy, eggs, and any other animal-derived product. And that’s what we’re up against — a whole history of wanting to gain an advantage over one another.

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