peterborough utilities water bill

If you only have rental services (not water or sewer), this will be billed quarterly in all locations. Tax billing and collection for the Town of Peterborough is the responsibility of Beth Marsh, Tax Collector (, in the Finance Department. The tax collector has the same rights and remedies, including a lien and/or deeding on the real estate for unpaid bills, as in the collection of taxes as provided in RSA 80. Since January 1, 2021, RPP customers have been paying a fixed electricity price of 8.5 ¢/kWh regardless of the time of day or the total volume consumed. Single Window Clearance 3. In Lakefield, water and sewer services will continue to be billed monthly. Subscribe to this page. Water and Utilities The Water/Utility Division consists of the water and the wastewater … No, if you only have electricity charges on your monthly bill, then you will just continue with the same billing account number and payee. Program available to household units located within the City of Peterborough. If you already have separate utility accounts, your account numbers will remain the same but you will need to assign a new payee. Peterborough Utilities has separated the electricity portion of your utility bill from other services such as water, sewer and rental equipment. It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. Online Land Allotment 2. You can pay your electric bill with Mastercard or Visa online through PAYMENTUS or by calling toll free at 1-866-207-9914. Copy and paste this code into your website. Peterborough Utilities Group PO Box 4125, Station Main 1867 Ashburnham Drive … Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) customers will continue to be billed monthly. These other charges are flat rates established by the Water and Wastewater Commissioners (Board of Selectmen). Peterborough Utilities Group homepage, find relevant information about getting power in Peterborough. As a result, parts of the site may not function properly for you. May 5, 2021 … If there are questions regarding other items associated with water and wastewater problems, the questions should be directed to the DPW Utility Division at (603) 924-8000 ext. the minimum bill is based on 750cf of usage. The tax bills are mailed twice a year in June and November. If you receive multiple services, they will be separated into two accounts. Rutland Water Park Set around beautiful Rutland Water and covering 4,200 acres of open countryside, the park offers everything from walking and cycling to fishing, watersports and climbing. Last name. Environment and Social Responsibilities Limit of two rebates per residential address or unit. Peterborough Utilities Group PO Box 4125, Station Main 1867 Ashburnham Drive Peterborough ON K9J 6Z5 Contact Us Electricity is billed monthly. News and Notices ... Children's Water Festival. I am on pre-authorized payments. Contact Us. The sanitary sewage system is made up of a series of pipes, maintenance holes and pumping stations. We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at your earliest convenience. Why did Peterborough Utilities separate my utility bills? Contact Us. All quarterly bills are mailed to the owners of the properties receiving the service. Dear Applicants, Due to scheduled migration activity from 20/02/2020 at 6:00 pm to 21/02/2020 to 9:00 pm , MIDC applications will have a downtime and services will not be available during the said period for the following systems - 1. This scam has also been reported in Toronto, Whitby and Thunder Bay. Submit First name. Water Heater Rentals. Water and sewer services and some rental equipment are billed every other month in Peterborough, monthly in Lakefield. All water and wastewater bills are assigned to the tax collector for collection. Once you have activated your new login, you can change the provided PIN to your preferred PIN. Peterborough Utilities Group PO Box 4125, Station Main 1867 Ashburnham Drive Peterborough ON K9J 6Z5 Contact Us Peterborough Utilities Group PO Box 4125, Station Main 1867 Ashburnham Drive Peterborough ON K9J 6Z5 Contact Us Your PIN number is located on the last page of your new bill. And whereas such accommodation is normally occupied by a tenant who applies and receives electric, water/sewer and rental from the Peterborough Utilities Services. Water and sewer services and some rental equipment are billed every other month in Peterborough, monthly in Lakefield. Access to your electric account will remain the same. The bills for water and wastewater are calculated by multiplying the usage times the appropriate rate. ... Peterborough Children's Water Festival (PCWF) Our Profile. Deposits for electric services will remain on your existing account. Please contact us at 705-748-6900 if you have any questions. Duplicate bills may be mailed to third parties or tenants at the written request of the owner. Apply for Service; Billing and Payments; Closing Your Account; Financial Assistance Programs; Landlords and Owners; Rates and Fees; Report an Issue; … The consolidated quarterly bill provides detailed information about your water and wastewater usage as well as other charges, such as hydrant maintenance, mainline extensions, inspection fees, special reads, turn-on water fees, etc. Subscribe to this page. Please contact us at 705-748-6900 if you have any questions. Peterborough Utilities Group. ... Peterborough Utilities Group PO Box 4125, Station Main 1867 Ashburnham Drive … Menu, Toggle Section To that, we have begun saving funds in anticipation of … Yes, you will have the same account number but your payee would need to change to the new payee. The billing delay exists in Peterborough Distribution’s system, to allow preparation time between when a meter is read, and when the bill is sent to the customer. In Peterborough, combined water, sewer and rental services for residential customers will be billed every other month. This is not a legitimate phone number or PUC representative, police say. All deposits for water/sewer will be transferred to your new account. Menu, Toggle Section Ontario Regulation 453/07 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, requires the Commission of the PUC, a municipal service board for the City of Peterborough's water system, to complete a financial plan for the drinking water system. Builder Submit Pre-Authorized Payment . Here are just a few examples for both saving water indoors and outdoors, offered by Peterborough Utilities. Electricity is billed monthly. Submit. Consider signing up for e-billing and pre-authorized payments to make payment simpler. I already receive a separate water/sewer/rental bill. Water and Wastewater Billing; Water Meter Reading Form; Helpful Hints/Water Saving Kit; Peterborough Fire & Rescue. Rebate of $50 per replacement WaterSense low-flow toilet. In February 2019, customers started receiving two bills, each with its own unique account number. The system Hydro One’s billing system does not require this additional preparation time, and issues bills to customers closer to their actual consumption period. Name of Water Works and corresponding Contact No. If you have an emergency situation to report, please call 911. Financial Plan. What happens to my security deposit when I get the new account? The new payee name depends on your payment method. Water Bill Payment The applications will be restored once the scheduled activity is completed. town of peterborough property tax, 1 grove street, peterborough, nh 03458, 603-924-8000 x103 Select a payment service from the list below TOWN OF PETERBOROUGH Property Tax Billing and Payments; Closing Your Account; Financial Assistance Programs; Landlords and Owners; Rates and Fees; Report an Issue ... Water Concern or Information Request. All quarterly bills are mailed to the owners of the properties receiving the service. For water, sewer and rental services, you may be assigned a new account number if you don’t already have one. This is the Official Peterborough Utilities Group of Companies Facebook Page ... New Bulk Water Fill Station - Peterborough Utilities Commission has installed a new Bulk Water Fill Station at 280 Milroy Dr. to replace the existing station located at 1867 Ashburnham Dr. ... small businesses and charities who have … The usage charge is based on the amount of water you use and wastewater you produce as measured by your water meter. Electricity will continue to be billed monthly, as required by provincial legislation. ... Those interested in booking the PTBO H2O Mobile Drinking Water Station can contact Peterborough Utilities Service at 705-748 … Access your accounts through the Peterborough Utilities' website. If you have water/sewer services, your rental equipment services will be transferred by us to your new account with the new payee. Any changes with access to the Customer Self-Serve portal? If you do not have water/sewer services, your rental equipment services will have a new account number with the new payee and will be billed quarterly (every three months). If you are a Lakefield customer and have rental equipment services, your charges will be billed with water/sewer services with a new account number and anew payee. Peterborough Utilities Inc. (PUI) provides affordable and efficient electric water heater rentals suitable for both residential and commercial uses. See the next question for more information about how to pay. Close Alert Banner. Utility billing for the Town of Peterborough is the responsibility of the Finance Department with the assistance of the Department of Public Works Utility Division. We seperated the utility bills to resolve regulatory challenges and in advance of the sale of Peterborough Distribution Inc. (electric utility) to Hydro One. Do I need to do anything? Do I need to do anything? Residential unit must be connected to both the municipal water and municipal sewer system. GO. The Finance Department takes this information and prepares a consolidated quarterly bill. If you receive a new account number for water, sewer and/or rental services, you will need to create a new login to access that new account. No, we will transition these payments to the correct accounts. Subscribe; Contact Us. Billing and Payments; Closing Your Account; Financial Assistance Programs; Landlords and Owners; Rates and Fees; Report an Issue; Rentals; Services. Billing and Payments; Closing Your Account; Financial Assistance Programs; Landlords and Owners; Rates and Fees; Report an Issue; Rentals; Services. Menu. Water and Wastewater Billing; Water Meter Reading Form; Helpful Hints/Water Saving Kit; Peterborough Fire & Rescue. Please visit the Peterborough Utilities website to learn more about the provision of drinking water in our community. The City of Peterborough maintains storm and sanitary sewers. Town of Peterborough . The benefits of renting a water heater from us include: Competitively priced; No installation charge {NTD: confirm} Convenient monthly payments Menu, Toggle Section MyAccount is an easy, quick and simple way of managing your bills, balances and more. Peterborough Utilities Group will continue to provide customer service for all utilities. You will require your Peterborough Utilities Group six digit account number. The rates are water at 61.88 per 1,000 cubic feet or .06188 and wastewater at 87.43 per 1,000 cubic feet or .08743. Burn Permits; P.E.M.A. Account Login. Peterborough Utilities Group PO Box 4125, Station Main 1867 Ashburnham Drive Peterborough ON K9J 6Z5 Contact Us Discover our spectacular water parks, all year long events and an awesome range of activities and adventures to surely wet the appetite for fun filled perfect family days out. Basic (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for 915 sq ft Apartment : … Our Profile Peterborough Utilities Group PO Box 4125, Station Main 1867 Ashburnham Drive Peterborough ON K9J 6Z5 Contact Us, Toggle Section ... and utility structure repairs and upgrades. Water Main Breaks; Working Near Powerlines; Who We Are. To pay by cheque, use the stub from your water bill and make the cheque payable to: PUG Services Corp. For industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) accounts paying with EFT, email us at. “Peterborough Utilities is dedicated to providing the Peterborough area with safe and reliable water and wastewater services, and we are excited to be partnering with the Innovation Cluster to further our support to the water market,” adds Devlin. ... Peterborough Children’s Water Festival. 100. To pay through your bank (online, telephone, ATM or teller), you need to set up your new account number with the new payee: Peterborough Utilities – Water. Peterborough Utilities Group PO Box 4125, Station Main 1867 … Address street number. Your bills at a glance. Any information or questions regarding the water and wastewater billing should be directed in writing to the Town of Peterborough, Finance Department, 1 Grove Street, Peterborough, NH   03458, or by telephone (603) 784-5602 for the Finance Department. Call 705-748-6900, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Energy Bill Calculator; New Connection Request; Complaint Registration; Complaint Status; Submit Reading; View HT Consumer Info; View RE Consumption; Track Status,Upload Documents and Pay Charges * Online Payment of Other Charges * Register / Update Mobile number, email,PAN and Aadhar number New; New Connection ; Solar Roof Top ; Change of … the minimum bill is based on 750cf of usage. 4.8K likes. We are changing to less-frequent billing, where possible, to minimize costs. My Account. Account holder first name ... account number is … Find out more. You will receive an e-bill for each account: one e-bill for electric services and one for water, sewer and rental, as applicable. Careers Water Rates and Service Charges. Got your account number and postcode to hand? Burn Permits ... Town of Peterborough 1 Grove Street Peterborough, NH 03458 Clicking the '>' next to each question will populate the answer. (Please note there is a convenience fee of 1.75% of your payment). ... A phone number is provided and when called, it is answered by a "Hydro Billing Dept". What happens to my rental equipment charges? The rates are water at 61.88 per 1,000 cubic feet or.06188 and wastewater at 87.43 per 1,000 cubic feet or.08743. Peterborough Utilities Reporting Scam Alert August 17, 2015 / PTBOCANADA. A Peterborough Utilities signature event for school age children to learn about water. View your billing and payment history View your usage of water and electricity Sign up for Equal Billing, Pre-authorized Payment, Make a Payment Arrangement, or Request a Service In February 2019, customers started receiving two bills, each with its own unique account number. Don't use the toilet as a wastebasket or flush it unnecessarily. Login to your account or call us to set it up: 705-748-6900, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. PUC Water Utility Rate Schedule for Peterborough residents can be found in the following link:. And whereas discontinuances of such services during the winter or summer months will cause damage. The Tax Collector bills and collects the taxes for four taxing authorities -- Town, County, School, and State. The Town has adopted a policy under RSA 38:22 to commit all water and wastewater bills for charges to the collector of taxes with a warrant signed by the Board of Selectmen. 1.1 Provision of Service: The Peterborough Utilities Commission (Commission) is a municipal services board for the City of Peterborough, which has ownership and full command and control of the municipal drinking water system, including the treatment plant, storage and pumping facilities, trunk and distribution water mains and individual water services up to the private … If the meter is inaccessible or broken, usage may be estimated based on 1) usage from the previous billing, or 2) if the customer has less than 12 billing cycles, the estimate may be based on the average of the consumption amounts previously billed, or 3) if the customer has 12 or more billing cycles, the calculation drops the high and low usage and estimates on the average of the remaining billing cycles. Utilities Department: Fee Schedule : Water Service … Peterborough Utilities Commission (water utility), Peterborough Utilities Inc. (retail services) and Riverview Park & Zoo will operate under a newly formed company called PUG Services Corp. For electric services, your account number and payee (Peterborough Utilities Services Inc.) will stay the same. This fixed pricing was mandated by the Government of Ontario and expires at the end of the day on February 22, 2021. The bills for water and wastewater are calculated by multiplying the usage times the appropriate rate. No action is required on your part. Library; ... please call the Peterborough Police Department at 603-924-8050. Do I need to do make any changes? Peterborough Utilities has no control over electricity rates, explains David Whitehouse, vice-president of customer and corporate services for the utility commission. Frequently Asked Questions About the New, Separated Bills. in the City of Peterborough, in which building there is rental accommodation. Share this page on your favorite Social network, Recreation Fishing Derby Saturday May 22nd, Mission Statement of the Peterborough Police Department. Peterborough Utilities Group, Peterborough. Peterborough Children's Water Festival (PCWF), Electrical Safety Authority (Get Your Permit). I don’t have water or rental equipment charges on my Peterborough Utilities bill. The RPP TOU prices that apply... 02/10/2021. … and Email ID's; Konkan Region WaterWorks: 1: Ambernath, Badlapur: 0251-2602348 / 0251-2604946: DPW supplies the Finance Department with the reads from the customer's water meters and any other miscellaneous charges for services rendered. Sewer surcharge rate The 2021 sewer surcharge rate is set as 102.92% of water revenues, an increase of 1.81% over 2020 (the 2020 rate was 101.09%). Skip to Content. I/We hereby authorize Peterborough Utilities Group to draw and issue payable to Peterborough Utilities Group for payment of my/our utility account.

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