The mission ended with the death of Desh and Bayons at the hands of Dooku and Vos, who had indeed fallen to the dark side in an attempt to learn the identity of Darth Sidious, Dooku's Sith Master. While conversing with them, the Malevolence jammed Republic communications and fired its secret weapon, a giant ion cannon that disabled all three of Plo Koon's vessels and left them vulnerable to attack. [25], When the Togruta colony of Kiros was occupied by the Separatists, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano were dispatched to free the neutral world. Koon and Skywalker were both sent with teams of clones to search the lowers levels of Coruscant, where Tano had fled, to find and bring her back to the Temple so the Jedi could discover the truth. The Malevolence ended up destroying itself by crashing into a nearby moon after Skywalker sabotaged it by reprogramming the ship's navigation computer before escaping. [35], The mission was successful, and the Jedi discovered that Vos had not fallen to the dark side, but had instead been a captive of Dooku for several months after pretending to serve him. [7], Koon was one of the[7] 212 Jedi[10] who formed an assault team to rescue Kenobi from Geonosis, along with his Padawan Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, who had been captured attempting to free Kenobi. More Black Series available. Koon and the rest of the council brought Skywalker and Tano in on their plot. Following this meeting, Plo Koon holographically attended a briefing by Master Jocasta Nu as she explained how Sifo-Dyas had perished on Felucia while trying to negotiate a peace treaty between two tribes. Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles (2000 Video Game) [28] Kenobi managed to earn Eval's trust and get a place on his team to kidnap the Chancellor at the Fesitval of Light on Naboo. Koon expressed his relief in seeing Tano safe before moving to converse with Yoda, Windu, Tarfful, Sugi, and several other Wookiees. They reported to the Jedi Council that the Zygerrians were behind the occupation, and that they had taken all of the colonists to be sold as slaves.'s_lightsaber/Legends Koon and his fellow Jedi revealed themselves during their allies attempted execution in the Petranaki Arena. Plo Koon's lightsaber was the personal lightsaber of Jedi Council member Master Plo Koon. Darth Maul considered him to be one of the greatest Jedi warriors of his time. Kenobi reassured them that he was satisfied by Vos' account of his time with Dooku, which Koon and the rest of the Council, with the exception of Windu, accepted. His master, was a wookiee Jedi named Tyvokka. Height [38], Plo Koon was one of the best pilots in the Jedi Order and his skills were often praised by fellow Jedi such as Anakin Skywalker when he and Obi-Wan Kenobi crashed on Carnelion IV[39] and Mace Windu when he assembled his team for one of his first missions in the Clone Wars and compared the pilot skills of Rissa Mano with Plo Koon.[40]. Jedi Master Mace Windu was sent to find and rescue them. Dooku claimed that the responsibility for the tragedy rested with the Jedi for continuing to resist his cause and supporting the Republic. Skin color Koon let all Republic forces throughout the Outer Rim, as well as spies within the Confederacy, know of Tano's disappearance so they would be alerted if anyone found her. During the funeral, Ahsoka Tano expressed her concern to Koon about the behavior of her master Anakin Skywalker, who was not aware of the council's plan. Koon and his fellow Jedi escaped the arena aboard several Republic attack gunships. Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003 TV Show) Plo Koon. A battle soon erupted between the Jedi and the Geonosians, who were reinforced by a massive droid army. [20], As the strike team progressed through their mission, Koon monitored coded transmissions sent by them to the Jedi Temple. Plo Koon was Kel Dor Jedi Master, known for his kindness and unbreakable sense of justice. Plo Koon was born on the planet Dorin. Koon defends the escape pod from the hunters. They intended to portray the Jedi with a gruff exterior hiding a softer interior, with Gilroy likening him to Toshiro Mifune's character in Seven Samurai, and had considered pursuing actor Sonny Chiba for the role. If you are a fan of Plo Koon, this is a great and fair price for a great fig. As he and a squadron of ARC-170 starfighters flew over the bridge cities following their victory, he was shot down and executed by his troops during the issuance of Order 66, during which the Jedi were massacred across the galaxy by their soldiers. With the nature of the Malevolence now revealed, the Jedi began making plans to destroy it. Male[1] After her innocence was proven and the real traitor apprehended, Koon joined his colleagues in apologizing to Tano and inviting her to rejoin the Order. 746. Among the Jedi he often worked with was Ahsoka Tano, whom he had discovered years before the war and shared a special bond with. A decade after the blockade of Naboo, Koon continued to sit on the Jedi Council. He was deeply concerned with every form of life. The Kel Dor Jedi Master Plo Koon proved himself a wise and compassionate member of the Jedi Order in the Republic’s final days, seeking to guide the galaxy amid the threat of war and strange stirrings in the Force. They succeeded, but Grievous managed to escape from the battle.[15]. As the droids prepared to execute them, Koon and the other survivors were saved by the arrival of Yoda and the clone army, which had been secretly funded and created by the cloners of Kamino a decade before at the behest of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. The Council discussed Sifo-Dyas' role in the formation of the clone army, with Plo Koon noting that prior to the Clone Wars, Sifo-Dyas had claimed to have seen a great war coming which would require the Republic to have an army. After he and Tano urged Skywalker to change their plan, they targeted the warship's ion cannon instead as it prepared to fire upon the medical station. Kenobi and Skywalker departed the bridge to launch a rescue mission, and Koon noted to Tano that her master always seemed to crave such adventure and excitement. Gregg Berger. As the strike team departed, Koon watched their vessel leave the Jedi Temple and wished the Force to be with them. But he died in Order 66, betrayed by the clones he had protected during so many battles. Plo Koon was played by Alan Ruscoe in The Phantom Menace, and by both Ruscoe and Matt Sloan in Attack of the Clones. He ordered an evacuation as the Malevolence began destroying the ships, and escaped in an escape pod alongside Wolffe, Sergeant Sinker, and Boost.[8]. [18], Following an assault on the Temple of Eedit, a small Jedi Temple located on the planet Devaron, Plo Koon joined fellow Jedi Council members Obi-Wan Kenobi, Adi Gallia, and Saesee Tiin in meeting the clone commando Delta Squad on a landing platform of the Jedi Temple. Skywalker and Wolffe later tracked down Tano again, this time successfully stunning her. Koon was later present when Obi-Wan Kenobi contacted the Jedi Temple and informed them that Dooku and several corporate leaders of the Separatist movement were meeting on the world of Geonosis and were planning to start a war with the Republic by creating the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He is an accomplished warrior, diplomat and strategist. Koon was uneasy about the aggressive and difficult nature of the mission, but when word arrived that the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center was the next target, he resolved to aid the mission by flying escort in his Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor. Koon questioned Tano's association with Ventress while on the run, and Tano claimed that she believed Ventress had been trying to help her clear her name. They picked up a distress call from another pod under attack from the boarding pod, and witnessed it get destroyed. Watching from a nearby ridge, Koon planned to divide their forces into three group to assault the base. Plo Koon A Kel Dor from Dorin, Plo Koon was among the wisest members of the Jedi Order, respected for his level-headed analysis of events and unflappable calm. Unbeknownst to Koon, Tano had also been frozen in carbonite and arranged to go on the mission. As the strike team's numbers dwindled, Koon was one of several Jedi survivors who gathered in the middle of the arena. [11] In the early stages of the war, Koon and Commander Wolffe led a fleet of three Venator-class Star Destroyers from his flagship Triumphant while searching for a mysterious Separatist warship, the Malevolence, that had been destroying Republic fleets under the command of General Grievous. TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Kel Dor[1] [6], Following the death of Jinn at the hands of the warrior Darth Maul, during the liberation of Naboo from the Trade Federation, Koon traveled to the world along with most of the other Jedi Council members, for Jinn's funeral. 1.88 meters[4] … Star Wars: Obi-Wan (2001 Video Game) Plo Koon . Kenobi was taken captive by the Separatists, and the Jedi began putting together a plan to rescue him and stop the Secessionist Movement before it triggered a galactic war. Plo Koon and Wolffe aboard the Triumphant. [3], Shortly after the Battle of Fortress Vader, Vader entered a portal constructed by Darth Momin to resurrect his wife Padmé Amidala. As they transported Tano back to the Temple, Koon reported to Yoda what they had discovered, but that they were still unsure of where Ventress was or her connection to the situation. Koon and Tano attempted to convince Fett to stand down, but the two bounty hunters attacked. Windu then wondered if perhaps they did earn some of the blame by not doing all they could to end the war, and proposed assassinating Dooku. She and her fellow Jedi had fought back against the Trandoshans with the aid of another Wookiee named Chewbacca. They investigated several bars, and as they headed for the fifth one, Koon advised Tano to be more subtle, noting that she had picked up many of her master's more straightforward ways. Koon noted that he had the ability to do so, but Tano felt he was simply being overprotective of her. As Koon and several other Council members met to determine what to do about Vos, they were surprised when Kenobi, Skywalker, and Jedi Knight Akar-Deshu brought Ventress into the Council chamber. When the Separatist movement led to the Clone Wars, Plo led clone troopers on many missions, forming a tight bond with Clone Commander Wolffe and his Wolfpack. Kenobi instead convinced them to test Vos by sending him once again to kill Dooku and hope that he would take this opportunity to reject the dark side. His modest mind came as he is devoted to protect mankind from the coming darkness. I was born on Dorin 382 Kel Dor years before 22 b.b.y. Koon talked to him about how strong Tano was, and that her determination, which she shared with her master, would help her survive. They quickly cut through the enemy forces, with Koon and Skywalker's forces meeting in the middle with Tano's men. [30] Skywalker and Tano soon arrested Letta Turmond for feeding her husband, a worker at the Temple, nano-droids that turned him into the bomb, but they suspected that someone, possibly a Jedi, had given her the orders to do so. Koon briefing the leaders of the strike team. Deeply concerned for life of every form, Plo Koon is especially devoted to protecting the clones under his command. Biographical information The squadron managed to make it through the nebula, with a few ships suffering only minor damage. Orange[6] [16], The Jedi soon received a message from Boba and his mentor, Aurra Sing. The Council decided to send Jedi Master Quinlan Vos to carry out the mission with the aid of Dooku's former apprentice Asajj Ventress.[35]. However, Vader killed all the illusions, impaling Koon through the chest along with Shaak Ti as the words "Let the past die" resounded in his mind. Koon speculated that Ventress may have discovered that Vos was a Jedi and killed him for deceiving her, but Kenobi did not think that was likely, as Ventress would have made sure the Jedi Order would know of her anger over such an action. Over the next several months, Vos emerged as Admiral Enigma and led Separatist forces to victory in several battles. In terms of raw power, Mace Windu was certainly the strongest Jedi of his time. [32], The Jedi Council attempted to insist that they try Tano in accordance with Jedi tradition, but Tarkin and the Senate demanded that she be expelled from the Jedi Order and turned over to them for trial in a military court. George Lucas, however, felt that this characterization came across as cold and uncaring, suggesting that the team find a comedic actor in the vein of Jim Carrey instead. They started in a area where Jango was said to have frequented, and Koon warned Tano to be cautious. The Galactic Republic was in turmoil as thousands of star systems, led by the charismatic former Jedi Master Count Dooku, threatened to secede from the Republic. [37], Considered level-headed and unflappably calm, Koon was among the wisest members of the Jedi Order. [33], When a distress signal was picked up by the Jedi Temple from a ship belonging to the long dead Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, Plo Koon was dispatched by the Jedi Council to locate the source. [17], Koon and Tano began their investigation by heading to the Coruscant underworld. In this special sneak peek at what's to come in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Jedi Master Plo Koon makes a startling find. They spotted another pod which had been broken into by a boarding pod, resulting in the death of its survivors. He also cautioned that Skywalker might not be able to find Tano, but that she would instead use her training to make her own way back to the Jedi. Here's how he … He order his men to clear the area and take all of the wreckage back to Coruscant. His wisdom was sought after by many, and his skills with a lightsaber were truly something to behold. After some difficulty they managed to break through the Separatist defenses, and Koon's dropship reached the extraction point, where they found the remaining members of the strike team and captives waiting. After some difficulty with a sandstorm, they located the wreckage of a T-6 shuttle. He was deeply concerned with every form of life. [21], Koon led a fleet to Lola Sayu, along with Jedi Masters Tiin, Gallia, and Kit Fisto. Koon was a survivor of the First Battle of Geonosis, the opening salvo of the Clone Wars that claimed the lives of nearly 200 Jedi. Kenobi reported that he believed Vos was ready, although Koon wondered if Dooku could have broken him, noting that a former Jedi Master under Dooku's influence would be a great threat to the Jedi Order. Dorin[1] Hasbro Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Plo Koon Jedi Master Action Figure. Koon and several other Council members met to determine if Vos could be returned to duty. The four Jedi discussed new evidence related to the mysterious presence of a second Jedi on Felucia and the missing Silman, a aide to former Chancellor Valorum who had accompanied Sifo-Dyas on a mission to meet with the leaders of the Pyke Syndicate. However, Captain Wilhuff Tarkin, who had memorized one half of the coordinates, stated he would only share them with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine while Tano would only give her half to the Jedi Council. Plo Koon and the council masters receiving Halsey and Knox's bodies. As they waited for rescue, Plo Koon and his men worked to fix the damage to the pod while searching the debris field for other survivors. Yoda told the rest of the council he sensed a greater hand in this affair, noting that slavery was a powerful tool to aid in the rise of the Sith. Plo Koon attended a briefing where Anakin Skywalker outlined his plan use Shadow Squadron to fly past the defenses of the massive vessel and destroy its bridge, ridding the galaxy of both the ship and General Grievous in one move. [27], When a plot was uncovered suggesting that the Separatists were going to try to kidnap or assassinate Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the Jedi Council decided to fake Obi-Wan Kenobi's death so he could go undercover as Rako Hardeen and get close to Moralo Eval, the plot's supposed mastermind. They entered Tiggs Leo's tavern, where Koon began to question Tiggs Leo while Tano eavesdropped on the crowd. He shared a special bond with Ahsoka Tano, whom he’d brought to the Jedi Order as a toddler. Plo Koon was a Kel Dor Jedi Master who served as a member of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Galactic Republic. Level-headed and unflappably calm, Jedi Master Plo Koon is among the wisest in the Jedi Order. Windu suggested that they execute him for his betrayal of the Order and the extreme risk of attempting to imprison a fallen Jedi Master, which Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi supported. While Kenobi was against at the idea and Yoda was reluctant, Koon and the rest of the Council members eventually agreed that they should send a Jedi to assassinate the former Jedi Master turned Sith Lord. Plo Koon led Sinker and Boost outside of the pod to engage the rocket battle droids outside of the boarding ship, ordering Wolffe to keep the signal alive. Koon also had shared a special bond with Ahsoka Plo Koon led a small taskforce to the system to liberate the slaves, leading a group of fighters to cover his dropships and a Arquitens-class light cruiser. Gallia noted that if the team was not at the extraction point Koon would have to leave them behind or put the fleet at risk, but Koon was sure that they would be waiting for them. Warthog was pursued by two of the fighters, but Koon saved his wingman and shot both droid ships down.
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