So how does this end? Ryan Perian. Ryan Perian is a certified IT specialist who holds numerous IT certifications and has 12+ years' experience working in the IT industry support and management positions. 0. breadthstudies usdt tether bitcoinforecast bitcoin ***** OnegreenCandle - Tether Printer ***** Shows the total market cap of USDT ( US Dollar Tether) currency. Maximum hold per wallet limited to 300m tokens, with a transaction cap of 100m. Your subscriptions keep this site going. In summary, here is why a Tether failure would be bad for crypto. The news today is about how the shorts were sold out in this new move. Tether issues $1 Billion USDT in April. The tokens were sent to an address associated with Bitfinex. by With Bitcoin less than 800 blocks away from its third block reward halving, the rate at which new tethers have been minted has been dramatic, to say the least. Others sarcastically urged Ardoino on. It would also suggest that the tether system is nearly out of actual dollars. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Btc will poke ema line once as the yellow circle soon but I do not short because for a few days, some guy eatin' lots of Btc from 6230, so he won't let Btc down I guess xD I'm just waiting for long entry :) 2. Brrrrrrrrrrr! We report that G3BPs reside at the cytoplasmic surface of lysosomes. It now appears that Tether has issued a whopping $161 million worth of USDT over the past 24-hours, putting the total number of new USDT issued over the past three months at $627 million. Vote. “ TETHER PRINTER Just printed $1,000,000,000 USDT! However, a lot of times in markets it is perception that matters more than truth, so to lose the “Tether money printer” would be another reason that prices could decline. The correlation was especially flagrant in 2017, when the supply of USDT expanded in the millions for the first time. Brrrrrrrrrrr! Imaginary, that’s what. Home » Crypto News » Tether Printer Goes Brrrr: 1.6 Billion USDT Minted In April As Bitcoin Recovers From March Loss. Meanwhile, this latest USDT printing could not stop the stablecoin from relinquishing its recent position as the third biggest digital currency when measured by market capitalization. This makes Tether Printer deflationary while passively rewarding those hodling, which in turn keeps the printer whirling. Low Energy Proof-of-Work: Bitcoin Improvement Proposal Wants to Change Network's Algorithm. Which of digital currency is going to win the battle for third place? After … - by David Gerard - 10 Comments. I did a chat with the FT Alphaville Unofficial Telegram a few weeks ago. This makes Tether Printer deflationary while passively rewarding those hodling, which in turn keeps the printer whirling. The correlation was especially flagrant in 2017, when the supply of USDT expanded in the millions for the first time. Also, exchanges that are too dodgy to get dollar banking can use tethers instead. The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. Total Supply: $46,846,290,994” Brrrrrrrrrrr! The freshly minted tethers sent the market cap of the crypto to over .5 billion, and it now challenges Ripple (XRP) for the third space spot in terms of market capitalization. Crypto Favs quips, “So Tether became FED printing money. It would be interesting to know if there are any institutional or hedge fund players who understand this enough to be short crypto. Tether USDT Market Cap (December 29th 2020 through June 2021) Low: 28-88k High: 116-188k It really really depends on how everything in the markets play out. I’m not counting on it, given all the redundancies and shut-down projects over 2018 and 2019. Then four months later, the New York Attorney General revealed that Tether had admitted to them that tethers were no more than 74% backed, and the backing had failed in October 2018 — Tether had snowed Leising. Bitcoin Cycles Coincided with USDT Printer. ## Anti-whale by design. Not really – see articles on Alphaville etc post-Lehman, on how the move to mandate exchange settlement of derivatives just moved the counterparty risk from other banks to a single centralized exchange. Bryce … OneGeenCandle - Tether-Printer. The kind of thing that happens at blow off tops…. er (tĕth′ər) n. 1. a. Required fields are marked *. You can see the Tether creation posted realtime on twitter here and via CoinMarketCap: Tether printer go brrrrr — cryptocurrency’s substitute dollar problem. This would account for total USDC rising precipitously over the past year. Dan Davies’ book Lying For Money (UK, US) talks about the life cycle of frauds. 1. eth long. But in 2018, there were also distinct periods that matched the effect of USDT action. So Tether must be propped up, at all cost — in the face of behaviour that, at any real financial institution, would have had the air-raid sirens going off long ago. Tether is a favourite of the crypto trading markets — it moves at the speed of crypto, without all that tedious regulation and monitoring that actual dollars attract. Article reviewed on Aug 19, 2020. Tether: We’re done with the baby prints. The NYAG is talking to the companies about document production, and just what documents they do and don’t have — so proceedings have been delayed until 15 January 2021. Maximum hold per wallet limited to 300m tokens, with a transaction cap of 100m. I find it strangely difficult to believe real-money institutional investors are so keen to get on the phone to Tether on a Saturday. [Medium]. ## Marketing Plan? The recent minting episode has come under severe criticism from the crypto community. c. A rope, chain, cable, or other line for restraining or securing an object: a blimp attached to the ground by tethers. Since then, this resistance level had been rejecting the cross-border remittances token from achieving its upside potential. Ras GTPase-activating protein-binding proteins 1 and 2 (G3BP1 and G3BP2, respectively) are widely recognized as core components of stress granules (SGs). A fraud may start small — but it has to keep growing, to cover up the earlier fraud. Twitter. The news was brought to the attention of the masses by Twitter satirist “Not Tether Printer,” who pointed to a host of transactions on the Omni network in which an estimated 300 … What was the “market cap” of beanie babies in 2000? On July 25th, data shows that XRP’s on-chain volume rose to $1.75 billion. Spot when tethers were deployed on Binance or Huobi. This makes Tether Printer deflationary while passively rewarding those hodling, which in turn keeps the printer whirling. Tether Printer … ## Marketing Plan? Community members fear that without any monitoring over the relentless Tether printing, Tether Treasury is behaving recklessly. And I trust the “trustless” smart contract tools for doing this sort of thing even less. There’s no worst blind that those who don’t want to see. tether_printer. Terence Zimwara. … In hindsight, Bitcoin price moves upward coincided with the printing of Tether (USDT). From quick setup to parental controls, Tether provides a simple, intuitive user interface to see your device status, online client devices and their privileges. That’s approximately half the previous market cap, or an increase of 50% of the supply. Either of those are a long way off — because regulators move at the speed of regulators. Maximum hold per wallet limited to 300m tokens, with a transaction cap of 100m. Avalanche is a decentralized smart contracts platform built for the scale of global finance. The big question is: what are all those tethers backed by? Following the 2019 rally triggered thanks to the Tether printer moving full steam, several much smaller supply increases throughout 2020 have had a … 5 Billion USDT were minted in the last 2 weeks alone. This means whales can't throw their weight around. Tether is a US dollar substitute token, issued by Tether Inc., an associate of cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex. Approximately $2 billion USDT has been minted by Tether Treasury within a short span of one month. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Hacker News (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Facebook’s Libra is now Diem; STABLE Act says stablecoins must get banking licenses, News: Coinbase key holders leave, Ethereum 2.0 slashing, Libra may not become Diem, regulatory clarity in France. 3rd February 2021. ## Anti-whale by design. Responding to a whale alert twitter post, however, Paolo Ardoino the CTO at Bitfinex, explains that the latest printing is for purposes of replenishing inventory on the Tron Network. But it’s far wider than the traders. Matthew Leising from Bloomberg confidently declared in December 2018, based on documents supplied to him by Tether, that Tether seemed fully backed and solvent! Yet the Tether printer kept printing, pushing the price of bitcoin ever skyward and giving bag holders an opportunity to cash out. 59. A snapshot of Coinbase BTC/USD this weekend. Various unfortunately gullible journalists have embarrassed themselves by taking what Tether tells them at face value. Every person making money from crypto — not just Bitcoin, but everything else touching crypto — is painfully aware they need Tether to keep the market pumped. Moving past this hurdle led to the 17.13% upswing seen in the past few days. Contrary to what many think, this is the real reason we’re seeing this rapid … I expect you could deal with, say, CME in confidence. Weiner’s thesis: the whole crypto industry depends on Tether staying up. Still, another user, Crypto Favs, compares Tether Ltd with the US Federal Reserve, which has also been printing money. Helpful for swing trading longer timeframes and indentifying new … A printer connected via a USB tether provides extremely reliable connectivity. - Setup SSID, password and Internet or VDSL/ADSL settings of your devices - … Tether Money Printer Go BRRRRRR Maybe most importantly, and certainly the most relevant to this situation, is the increased regulatory oversight of fiat-backed stablecoins. Ryan Perian. The better idea might be to short the new index fund BITW (if I was crazy enough to try). Tether (USDT) is the cryptocurrency trading economy’s favourite substitute US dollar. Bitcoin Pizza Initiative Launched Among Heavy Criticism: Only Fiat Accepted, Survey: Crypto Traders Predict Ethereum’s ROI to ‘Crush’ Bitcoin’s 2021 Year-End Return, Federal Reserve Bank Presidents: Cryptocurrency Sell-off Not a Systematic Concern, Does Not Affect Fed Policy, Wells Fargo Gets Into Crypto With Upcoming ‘Professionally Managed’ Cryptocurrency Investment, ‘Bitcoin Is Dead’- Crypto Market Carnage Invokes Haters and BTC Obituaries, Sony Files Patent for Bitcoin Wagering on Playstation and Other Consoles, Bitcoin Drops Below $40K, Crypto Economy Down 17%, Markets Lost $250 Billion Last Week, Polygon to Democratize NFT Interactions by Improving Approachability, Cuban Central Bank Issues Warning on the Rising Number of Crypto-Related Ponzi Cases, South African Crypto Holders Urged to Approach Tax Body Before It Descends on Them, Sweet Expands NFT Marketplace to Shopify Ecosystem. Normally, bigger prints were $400 million, and if Tether needed more, it would simply issue several in a … It’s now trading at an insane premium to NAV, when you can instead just buy Bitcoin itself through PayPal. The Bitcoin price is visibly pumped by releases of tethers — particularly on weekends. Crypto “market cap” is a marketing fiction — there’s very little realisable money there. Pinterest. Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard. Twitter; LinkedIn; Jordan Baranowski. … At the time of writing, XRP’s market capitalization is marginally ahead of that of USDT. (It’s worth noting that it’s exceedingly hard to redeem USDT from Tether Limited for U.S. dollars; Tether … Many have called Tether dishonest and akin to committing financial fraud. our review board. But in 2018, there were also distinct periods that matched the effect of USDT action. Tether’s parent company has applied for subpoenas to depose SunTrust Bank employees in Georgia, the Bank of Colorado and ABT & Trust in Arizona. Amazon product links on this site are affiliate links — as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. ETHUSD, 30. 30 MINUTES SINCE LAUNCH Tether Printer [$200K MC] The money machine with unique, innovative tokenomics 140 HOLDERS Tether printer Are you … Press J to jump to the feed. “Note this is an authorized but not issued transaction, meaning that this amount will be used as inventory for next period issuance requests,” says Ardoino. Why is Tether’s printer working overtime? We plan on getting listed on coingecko and CMC soon. “Whoever threw $10 in Eth to me, thanks. Tether On The Move Again: Prints $150M USDT. tether_printer. The content of this site is journalism and personal opinion. Bryce Weiner has written a good overview of how Tether works in relation to the cryptocurrency industry. Excellent article. This will keep going until it can’t. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Bryce … Many traders and investors would lose the wealth that they were storing with Tether. In essence, Tether Treasury is positioning itself as a ‘Too Big to Fail’ entity without any oversight. I can’t think of a way for Tether or the whales to exit scam with a large pile of actual dollars — because a shortage of actual dollars is crypto’s whole problem. It’s now been renamed “Not Tether Printer” to remind Twitter’s management that they’re in it for the lulz. Tether Printer JUST LAUNCHED. If the stablecoin’s printer continues producing more tokens at this rate, then we will likely see almost twice as much as the figure in April. Tether's market cap looks overinflated but I don't know what correlation can be drawn from this metric. Maximum hold per wallet limited to 300m tokens, with a transaction cap of 100m. Following the recent Tesla announcement, the cofounder of Siphox and Powx, Michael ... read more. ***** OnegreenCandle - Tether Printer ***** Shows the total market cap of USDT (US Dollar Tether) currency. Reacting to XRP’s resurgence, Konstantin Anissimov, Executive Director at offers possible reasons. A similar ropelike restraint used as a safety measure, as for a young child or an astronaut outside a spacecraft. Although this massive addition of new Tether … Well if someone wants to sell a bunch of tether, they simply print even more tether, use that to buy crypto on exchanges, and sell that crypto to anyone willing to buy it that generates dollars to pay of the person selling their tether. In the first week of January, Tether printed more than 2 billion USDT. But if they stop printing be wary of the downside if there isn’t … Also, exchanges that are too dodgy to get dollar banking can use tethers instead. External audits are necessary to ensure that there is enough fiat collateral in reserve. By. Click here to get This makes Tether Printer deflationary while passively rewarding those hodling, which in turn keeps the printer whirling. This depends on a reliable way of shorting crypto, and I wouldn’t trust any of the existing exchanges enough to give money to them (unless I was ok losing that money). Helpful for swing trading longer timeframes and … This is why crypto is so up in arms about the proposed STABLE Act, which would require stablecoin issuers to become banks — the Act would take out Tether immediately, given Tether’s extensive and judicially-recognised connections to New York State, and there is no way on earth that a company that comports itself in the manner of Tether is getting a banking charter. ## Marketing Plan? Meme/Shitcoin. b. Tweet on Twitter. Share on Facebook. The cryptocurrency has been sent to Tether’s treasury account and all of the newly printed USDT is based on Ethereum’s blockchain. TP-Link Tether provides the easiest way to access and manage your TP-Link Router/ xDSL Router/ Range Extender with your mobile devices. #BTC #USDT This means whales can't throw their weight around. According to brains behind Tether Printer, they were temporary blocked from Twitter for not specifying that they were a parody account. Ask the trading market — stablecoins are overwhelmingly tethers by volume. If you borrow the currency to sell it short and the price goes to zero and stops trading, how do you close your position? slideindigitalmarketing - April 24, 2020. I do not hold a position in any crypto asset or cryptocurrency or blockchain company. This means whales can't throw their weight around. The Bitfinex CTO’s claims about the USDT print … yeah, in crypto the platforms themselves are part of the threat model. Bitcoin-Tether volumes are now magnitudes greater than Bitcoin-Dollar volumes. Clearly, there’s a correlation between the crypto asset pump and dumping, and how much Tether is free-flowing in the market. Tether is a US dollar substitute token, issued by Tether Inc., an associate of cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex. If you think this is sustainable, you’re a fool. Anti-whale by design . This makes Tether Printer deflationary while passively rewarding those hodling, which in turn keeps the printer whirling. Moreover, an Apple device connected to a USB tether can get charged as well while being connected to it. A whole lot of imaginary value just vanishes, like morning dew. Tether is functionally unregulated. Someone asked a great question: “Who’s going to make out like a bandit when/if Bitcoin collapses?” Most scam collapses involve someone taking all the money. In March, when the price of Bitcoin crashed, a chat with the FT Alphaville Unofficial Telegram, Cryptocurrency in 2021: still dysfunctional nonsense, unusable by normal humans, Facebook’s Diem stablecoin moves to the US, and hooks up with Silvergate Bank, Tether publishes … two pie charts of its reserves, News: Bitcoin mining is not green, miners versus programmers, gold is cleaner than bitcoin, exchanges collapse, how to forge an NFT, News: Coinbase goes public, Bitcoin hashrate goes down, NFTs go down, proof-of-space trashes hard disk market, My cryptocurrency and blockchain press commentary and writing. Nothing contained on this site is, or should be construed as providing or offering, investment, legal, accounting, tax or other advice. Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. This makes Tether Printer deflationary while passively rewarding those hodling, which in turn keeps the printer whirling. Tether can’t get reliable banking, but they can hold USDC in a wallet. Twitter user Desogames posted an interesting hypothesis: that Tether’s “dollar” backing is holdings of USDC stablecoins. By. Advertisment. Everyone in crypto’s service industries has a job that’s backed by the whales. Please keep on at this: the message needs to get out. onegreencandle . The scammer reportedly promoted the bogus investment opportunity by promising ... read more. The TCOIN Token to Chart a New Course in the Tourism... African Founded Crypto Exchange, Quidax Partners With Popular Defi Platform, JulSwap. LBRY reached 750,000 user milestone. At the time of writing, the USDT market cap, according to data on Coingeko, stands at $8,362,570,578, while the total assets worth of USDT is $8,464,327,917 per Tether’s transparency page. By tracking Tether’s printing history against movements in Bitcoin’s price, it reveals a suspicious correlation between the two. Plus, you’d have to be confident about when the crypto market explodes, which is difficult to call given how manipulated it is. It also insinuated that Tether had been printing its stablecoin USDT without sufficient backing. Brrrrrrrrrrr! Yesterday there were 36 million ETH Tethers in the Treasury. Log In Sign Up. The latest USDT printing will see the top stablecoin’s market capitalization significantly passing the $10 billion mark. ReddIt. Total sales: $133.20, Libra Shrugged: How Facebook Tried to Take Over the Money, My cryptocurrency and blockchain commentary and writing for others, Press coverage: Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain, The conspiracy theory economics of Bitcoin, The DAO: the steadfast iron will of unstoppable code. Tether Treasury has been notorious in the past two months for printing an unprecedented amount of USDT. Tether Prints $300 Million, While XRP Reclaims Third Spot Tether Ltd printed a total of USDT 300 million Wednesday and this brought the total coins created to 540 million in the last three days alone. … USDT community up in arms against relentless Tether printing. Historical data reveals that each time this cryptocurrency has been able to break above this moving average its price tends surge significantly. Maximum hold per wallet limited to 300m tokens, with a transaction cap of 100m. I predicted this over 2 years ago and got out of Crypto and into BSV – the real Bitcoin which is not dependent on scammy fraudsters running a counterfeit USD operation to pump the price. In essence, Tether Treasury is positioning itself as a ‘Too Big to Fail’ entity without any oversight. Tether, the issuer of the dollar-pegged stablecoin USDT, is in the limelight again as … Brrrrrrrrrrr! Plus how would it work? This means whales can't throw their weight around. (This doesn’t cost you any extra.). ## Marketing Plan? One Twitter user going by the handle lentejitaB asks, “Paolo is this the biggest tether mint in all Tether history?”. ## Marketing Plan? And in September, when BTC slid to $10,000, Tether infused the markets … In the latest court proceedings, Tether and iFinex were asked to hand over financial documents to the NYAG by Jan. 15. Tether’s design is so flawed it has to fail and when it does it will take BTC and the rest of crypto with it. In 2020–2021, Tether has printed more fake dollars than ever before. The purpose of the crypto industry, and all its little service sub-industries, is to generate a narrative that will maintain and enhance the flow of actual dollars from suckers, and keep the party going. Tether printer go brrrrr. Tether is a favourite of the crypto trading markets — it moves at the speed of crypto, without all that tedious regulation and monitoring that actual dollars attract. We just topped twenty billion alleged dollars’ worth of tethers, sixteen billion of those just since March 2020. Tether Printer Isn’t Pumping Up Crypto Prices, Researchers Find. We’re pleased to announce that Tether tokens (USDt) will be available on Avalanche, an open-source platform for launching highly decentralized applications, new financial primitives and new interoperable blockchains. The news was brought to the attention of the masses by Twitter satirist Not Tether Printer, who pointed to a host of transactions on the Omni network in which an estimated 300 million tethers were. Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain: The Book, Business bafflegab, but on the Blockchain, Imogen Heap: “Tiny Human”. The transaction can be viewed here. Despite the mounting pressure from central banks and governments alike, the Tether printer is running wild as demand for the stablecoin seems to be growing exponentially. Updated on April 16, 2021. reviewed by. At least some percentage of the backing for tethers might exist! User account menu. “[As] buy orders continue to pile up, XRP may continue to rise to the next significant resistance barrier that sits at $0.25,” notes Anissimov. In August, when the price of bitcoin reached $12,000, it spun out $2.5 billion in tethers. Learn how your comment data is processed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A rope, chain, strap, or cord for keeping an animal within a certain radius. Tether’s USDT money printer is up and running again, and it could be a sign of what’s to come next for Bitcoin and the aggregated cryptocurrency market. At the time, $850 million accounted for one-third of the total USDT supply. I suspect the other stablecoins are just a bit too regulated for the gamblers. Linzerd - April 29, 2020. Increasing quantities of tethers are required to make this happen. WhatsApp. His piece says nothing that any regular reader of this blog won’t already know, but he says it quite well. I don’t recall Leising ever speaking of this again, even to walk back his claim. dForce returns hacked funds to users. Vote. signed copies of the books! Long. … Does crypto really need Tether? Then again, when one is covering a coin that acts like a joke, isn’t that obvious? Or, as it’s turned into, spraying the tether-based exchanges that make up Tether’s very few customers with as many tethers as they need to keep the number up. I mean, I’m sure someone will do well. The main ways out I see are NYAG or the CFTC finally getting around to doing something. As the year comes to a close, it's … On Thursday and again on Saturday, Tether issued $1 billion in tethers. Even the NYAG proceeding is just an investigation at this stage, not a case as such. Tether Ltd printed a total of USDT 300 million Wednesday and this brought the total coins created to 540 million in the last three days alone. The news was brought to the attention of the masses by Twitter satirist “Not Tether Printer,” who pointed to a host of transactions on the Omni network in which an estimated 300 million tethers were sent: Just printed $300,000,000 USDT! — Not Tether Printer (@tetherprinter) March 20, 2018 At the time of writing, the USDT market cap, according to data on Coingeko, stands at $8,362,570,578, while the total assets worth of USDT is $8,464,327,917 per Tether’s transparency page. All I see is that tether hasn't stopped printing since November 2018. Do not act on any opinion expressed here without consulting a qualified professional. There’s about 27 billion tethers in circulation. Such US Federal Reserve actions are being blamed for fueling inflation. So a fraud will grow until it can’t. 0. Lifewire Tech Review Board Member . It just minted another 120M USDT. But there’s no locked-up pile of money to plunder. The protocol is designed as a highly scalable … 2. So if you’re a Bitcoin believer, just follow the Tether printer and watch the printing. The freshly minted tethers sent the market cap of the crypto to over .5 billion, and it now challenges Ripple (XRP) for the third space spot in terms of market capitalization. (The Tether printer was quiet for about a week after the STABLE Act came out — and the price of Bitcoin slid down about $3,000.). If the stablecoin’s printer continues producing more tokens at this rate, then we will likely see almost twice as much as the figure in April. Remember that it took seventeen years to take down Bernie Madoff. Retail suckers are finally diving into the … In May, June and July, Tether issued a combined total of $6 billion in tethers. The ‘Tether Bitcoin Pump’ FUD has been going on for quite some time now, however, there hasn’t been any conclusive to prove the claims and it has been debunked a few times in the past. Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. “PSA: 120M USDT inventory replenish. Anissimov adds that “the substantial buying pressure was significant enough to allow the token to finally break above its 200-day moving average for the first time since early February.”. They go Bbbbrrrrrrrrrr.”. New research intimates Tether Treasury is not pumping Bitcoin’s price, contrary to popular belief. … At this rate expect an ETH Tether print or a large-scale transfer of OMNI Tethers … A group of Chinese investors has filed a lawsuit against an alleged crypto fraudster based in New York, United States, who ran a Wechat group where he handled the scheme. Maximum hold per wallet limited to 300m tokens, with a transaction cap of 100m. [Bloomberg]. Bitcoin’s price has not reached parity with the massive growth seen in issuance of stablecoins like Tether (USDT) The “divergence” between USDT issuance and BTC’s price action could be highly bullish The stablecoin boom in recent times also paints a positive picture for the entire crypto market. Tether, the premier stablecoin cryptocurrency has minted one billion worth of USDT stablecoins this month, which is the largest increase in the coin’s history. ## Anti-whale by design. Breadth Indicators usdt tether bitcoinforecast Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency) 647 views. USDT is the largest US Dollar with approximately … Posted by 1 minute ago. We plan on getting listed on coingecko and CMC soon. Tether Printer Goes Brrrrr; LBRY Reaches 750,000 User Milestone; dForce Returns Funds to Users. Tether is Too Big To Fail. Stablecoins are not driving up the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, according to a …
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